Saturday, February 20, 2010

Of Weddings: The One with the Theme

Dearest y'all,

So it's been a while. I blame work, my commute, jetlag, and wedding planning. Which is kind of ironic considering that wedding planning is kind of one of the themes of this blog right now. Le sigh. One day I shall be on top of things...maybe. :)

Anyway, here's the plan. After much mulling, (like the alliteration?) I have come up with my colors and my theme. My colors? Blue and Cream. Because it's classy. You just can't go wrong with them. And since we're designing a wedding on the cheap, it seems to be the best thing to do is pick classy colors.

So. Here's a picture of the girl's gowns, graciously supplied by It's a chiffon strapless dress, so it'll be beautiful and flowy. I'll give the girls pearls and they'll be good to go. Their dresses will actually be in midnight blue; not white and black like the picture below.

They'll work, don't you think? Right now, I think Fiance (is that how you spell that?? I took French in high school and college, and it just completely messed up how I spell certain words . . . and how I say them. Woe is me.) Anyway, Fiance and I are shooting for an evening May wedding. Evening weddings just create such a comfortable, relaxed atmosphere, which is exactly what I want. And I think these dresses will contribute to that. They're structured, but not restricting; elegant, but not stilted.

Anyway, for anyone looking for brides maids dresses, prom dresses, or evening dresses, try They're so inexpensive. The dress above was about $150. In the store it was about $300, and at it was about $200. See? We're cuttin costs already!

My flowers will also be blue and cream. Check these pictures out:

Tips for cutting floral costs: use silk. Yes, I know - when I originally considered it, I had flashbacks to a tragic nineties-era arrangement I fell privy to in a dentist's office. It was awful, and it looked more fake and plastic-y than certain celebrities faces these days.

That was however, before I went to Michaels and looked at all their beautiful silk flowers. I must say, they've evolved a lot in more recent years - and for the better.

My aunt, a former professional florist, has offered to arrange them for me. She'll be using the flowers you see above in addition to some other blue and white flowers (hydrangeas, roses, etc). She does lovely work, and I'm so grateful she's helping.

I suppose that's another tip - use your family's talents! Ultimately, my wedding isn't about me and my fiance. It's about our families, too. Besides, the more they are all involved with the planning, the more excited they'll be when the big day comes. And that's what I want for both of our families - because they are awesome,and I want them to have as much fun as Fiance and I will.

I'll also be using candles and Christmas lights for decoration. Again, inexpensive, but so classy. I'll post something about those things soon.

My sister and I were talking about decor ideas, and all of the sudden my sister was like, "Andrea. You wedding theme should be "Midsummer Night's Dream." And I realized that was the perfect way to describe it. Dark blues and rich creams will abound and candle light will give everything a soft glow. (I'm going to blame the fact that I jut used the word "abound" in a blog on my classical education. I can't help it. Can't help it a-tall.) The feel of the wedding will be very rich, very romantic, and very inviting. Man. I can't wait. Midsummer Night's Dream it is.

So, for all you planners out there, I think the moral of the post is this: think about your theme; what you really want your wedding to be like. Then pick your colors. Then shop around (on-line and in stores) for deals. And incorporate your family - you won't regret it.

Much love,

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