Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Top 10 Discoveries in CA

10. The Big Black Birds of Death. They're everywhere around here. They're big, they're black, and they look evil. I have particular antipathy toward them because I'm absolutely convinced one dropped some pretty nasty birdy-business on our car. It took days to get it off. Days, I tell you.

9. Wildlife outside cages. A few weeks ago I saw some otters playing in the surf. A few days ago, I saw some seals. Somehow, wildlife is cooler when it's not in a zoo (. . . except for the thing that left birdy-doo on my car. That wasn't cool. That was gross.)

8. Betta fish are pwitty. Mine's already spoiled rotten. I don't even know how that's possible.

7. Not all parts of CA are sunny and warm. Take, for example, Pacific Grove. I've worn layers all summer long. Case in point: the temperature today got up to a steamy 58 degrees. According to the weather man, I'm not liable to see the sun again until next Wednesday.

The upside to chilly Pacific Grove? More coffee houses than I know what to do with. Buy stock, people. Their revenue is about to increase tenfold due to one little blonde Southerner.

6. Strawberries rock my world. As do asparaguses. And cantaloupes. Almost all the produce I've bought has been extraordinary. It all tastes like a slice of sunshine. Which is ironic, seeing how the sun seems to only prefer very brief cameos in this part of the world.

5. For anyone who has ever given me a cookbook: consider thy gift redeemed. I have made recipes from almost all of them. And those I haven't used yet, I have plans for. And those I don't have plans for, I still enjoy thumbing through, or glaring at, as the case may be. (Just you wait Martha Stewart Classic Cookbook. Just you wait all you Arugula-Prosciutto-Caper-Pesto-Goat Cheese-thingies. I'll cook the scariness right out of you.)

4. I can make my own bread. I know, I know. Who even does that. BUT! It only takes 15 minutes of hands-on time, and it came out awesomely. I'm afraid I've developed a habit.

3. Army Community Service has saved my military spousal boot-ay. Amen.

2. Beaches. They are here and they are beautiful. That is all I can say. Come see me and I'll show you.

1. Opposites attract, my dears. Only after marriage does one begin to realize how opposite one really is . . . and how good it is.

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