Monday, September 26, 2011

A Late Night Thought

Once it gets past 10:00PM, I get a ridiculous amount of writing inspiration. Some are good ideas ("I SHOULD tell everybody about how to make boring old chicken breasts exciting!!"); some are bad ideas (I should tell EVERYBODY about how sometimes I forget to brush my hair. TOTALLY a relate-able topic). I also get super excited about all ideas; regardless of their merit . . . hence the caps.

I also get little vignettes of inspiration that I don't really want to write whole posts about, but are short and pithy enough to share. Hence, the following.

- There's a wee fuzzy sparrow that has decided one of the posts above our porch should be his home. (The first time I saw him I jumped. I did. In my defense, I wasn't expecting him. And even though he was cute and tiny, he . . . frightened? . . . me? I'm going to stop now.)

 And I have decided to make him into a pet. The easiest (only) way to do this is by naming him, which of course reminds me Dory's famous words: "I shall name him Squishy and he shall be mine and he shall be my Squishy." After much thought, I've concluded Squishy is not only a splendidly appropriate name for a bird, but it'll also show my acute intelligence. Not just anyone has the guts to admit to not only naming a wild undomesticated bird, but naming it from a movie marketed to five-year olds.

- Finding Nemo actually is one of my very favorite movies. Not even kidding.

- Also, I have an addiction to the Words with Friends game on my iphone. I pwn. Um, I greatly enjoy the exercise in word placement and strategy. Just bein' real here.

- In other news, I just went nuts on itunes. And by nuts, I mean I bought ten songs. Yes. This is crazy for me. Just wait until it gets really late. I might even buy . . . wait for it . . . a whole album. (I bought Enya, Nickel Creek, and Two Steps from Hell. One of these is not like the other . . . at first glance.)

- I moussed, blow dried, hair sprayed, and curled my hair for the first time in months this morning. When my husband came home, he gave me a hug and asked if I was wearing perfume. My husband makes me smile.

And with that, I really should say goodnight. I'm going to attempt to run tomorrow/earn my cookbook, so I need to sleep. Or so my mind says . . .

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