Also: I discovered we have one of these at our new assignment. |
Dear reader. Dear, dear reader. Me and my crafty-ness: we have plans. (Crafty-ness. Not craftiness. I'm no good at being wily.) And I shall unleash my crafty-ness like Zeus unleashed the kraken. (Yes. Those kraken.) And it shall be epic.
See, since we've been "in transit" to a permanent place for a long time. And I've naturally kind of staved off any creative impulses I've had because I knew how quickly it could get out of control and I also didn't want to add to all the stuff we have to cart around until we get to our permanent place. (Disclaimer: That was a run-on sentence. And I do not care. Welcome to my blog.)
Here are just a few ideas I've compiled courtesy of pinterest. (For the love of all free time you currently have, do not click that link. You will become addicted and have 694 pins before you know what happened. I KNOW OF WHAT I SPEAK.) A few of these are linked to tutorials, so feel free to explore them yourself.
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A Wreath! Of Pom-Poms! Which are catastrophically cute! I die.
If/When I do this, it'll probably be using some blues or maybe greens. I can't decide as I have a thing for both.
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I adore this. Personally, I'd do the red decoration with red velvet ribbon because it'd be such a rich contrast to the starkness of the burlap. (You SEE? This is what pinterest will do to you. You'll go around talking about home decor stuff like it's, I dunno, WINE or something. DON'T DO THIS TO YOURSELF. Unless you like home decor stuff like some people like wine. In which case, you're obviously in good company.)
My one concern is getting burlap to loop like that. But hey, it's burlap. If I screw it up, I'll have only wasted twelve cents.
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This quite possibly may be my favorite of all the projects. I love the warmth the yarn gives to these letters. And it doesn't look like it'd be too difficult - just a glue gun and some yarn, methinks. Heck, maybe not even a glue gun. Maybe you can just wrap it around the letters or something.
Can I just say I love that rich gray-colored yarn on the right? Mmmm. Something about fall makes me crave gray.
So, yes. These are some projects that will most likely get done after we get to our next place. And. I. Can't. Wait.
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