Thursday, November 3, 2011

In Which I Indulge My Inner Briton

First of all, there's a very good chance I misspelled "Briton." I don't know for sure how to spell it. This should probably discourage me from pretending I can in any way sympathize with the People of Britain, but we all know that's not going to stop me, so please console yourself with the pretty pictures below.

In Stratford-upon-Avon. I was there and it was cold. 

Which brings us to to the topic of this post: Britishness.

Embodied, first and foremost in my mind as teacups. Yes. For serious.

I love tea. I love femininity. And I love all things fancy. Hence, it's only natural that I adore teacups. It is my secret (har har) dream to own a collection of mismatched teacups and china when I grow up (again, har har). And I shall use this currently phantasmagorical collection to host many a darling baby and/or bridal shower. I'm so glad we all shared this estrogen-filled moment.

Image #119953

Coincidentally, the picture below makes me want cringe in pain. For the love of all things dainty, WHY WOULD YOU DO THIS? (Please forgive me if you think tea cup bracelets are the cutest thing ever. You are under no obligation to be weird like me.)

The Original Maker Of Teacup Bracelets By StayGoldMaryRose - Charming Vintage Bonechina Tea Cup Bracelets
Dismembered teacups. I want to shed a tear. 

The second thing I think of when I think Britishness: Helen Mirren.

Helen Mirren - Baftas
The woman is classy. Hence the pearls. 

I am going to say one thing and one thing only: The Queen.

After a moment of contemplation; I've decided I have one more thing to say about her: she dresses like she knows who she is. I should probably clarify that. She carries herself like she is comfortable in her own skin and that lends her a special kind of lovely. She's not trying too hard; she's simply . . . being. 

She knows how to stylishly dress as an older woman, too, which I also really admire. In the picture above, she is wearing a completely classy, modest, and stunning dress - what thrills me is that she decided to keep the outfit from being stodgy by wearing modern dark nail polish. Style, people. She has it.

And lastly, this speaks Britishness to me:

Scones and clotted cream. Lord have mercy. (And He does. Why else would these exist?) Flaky carbs smothered in cream and sweet jam. I could live off of them. I shouldn't. But I could. 

Britishness. It makes the world such a lovely place, don't you think?


  1. i think they did spell it Briton back in Celtic days, but I could be wrong :) Your tea pictures reminds me of that bday party we went to for somebody at that lovely tea house in Leesburg. :)

  2. 'this estrogen filled moment' LOL i am glad! :) you're too funny. now i am dying for a scone!

  3. Anne - I miss that tea house in Leesburg!

    Nicole - I want a scone too. I might have to make some this weekend. Care to make a trip over for breakfast? ;)
