Wednesday, September 15, 2010

A Fashion Evolution

Do you ever look back on life and realize just how much you have (or someone else has) changed?

I was thinking the other day of how my sense of fashion has evolved over the years. For the better, most def. Case in point: the nineties. Oh the nineties. The era of colors and weirdness. Now maybe (hopefully) for you, the nineties held some better fashion choices. For me, as I was only five at the time, fashion to me, was whatever I darn well felt like wearing.

Which, hey, is how it's supposed to be. I was like, five.

Although, I have to admit that it's made for some really interesting photos. "MOM. Why did you let me out of the house like that? WHYYYYYYY?"

A few years later, I was in the fourth grade and my favorite outfit was overalls with red flannel pocket insets, an over-sized green  sweater that must have been eight sizes too big, and some boots that my dear dad had bought for me. These boots were awesome. They were brown and had a lace up front, and would have been very at home on Laura Ingalls Wilder's feet. And, dear reader, I wore said outfit for days on end, convinced I was the coolest thing.

You want to know something funny? As much as I cringe now to think of what I wore. . . I don't really regret it. It's not like anybody comes up to me now and is like "Andrea. Those overalls you wore in the fourth grade: ATROCIOUS." It was the nineties. Everyone looked middle American and relaxed. And I was a kid. I wasn't supposed to care about things like that.

You ever miss that confidence you had when you were a kid? When you just didn't know what was socially acceptable and it didn't matter? And when you did make mistakes, people thought it was adorable?

Anyway,in junior high, I finally started matching my clothes. That was definitely progress. (Teehee.) In high school I got into my boot and cardigan fix, and in college, I went through a black-and-white-attempt-at-classy  stage. You know, maybe my "phases" weren't really phases. Because I still match my clothes. Just as fyi. Maybe my phases were really just steps.

And recently, since I've moved to California, I've evolved even more. In college, my style tended to be pretty...strict. California has relaxed me. I've started doing trends. I started tucking my jeans into boots and I've even (even!) thought about getting a big thick leather belt to wear around cardigans.

Earth shattering, I know.

And I'm sure that one day I'll look back on what I'm wearing today and be like "ANDREA. Why did you let yourself out of the house like that? WHYYYY?"

But I don't think it truly matters. Because part of the fun of fashion is buying and wearing what you like. So maybe, my evolution isn't really an evolution.

Instead, maybe I'm just reverting back to my inner five year old. I wear what I like when I like.

Except this five year old, this time around, matches her clothes!

Til tomorrow,

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