Saturday, September 18, 2010

My Day: Bolognese Sauce, Flowers, and Wine

All days should be like this.

I bought these flowers at Trader Joe's.

Divine. I love white and green arrangements.

Also, check out the vase!

You know what it is? It's an empty pasta sauce jar! It's a more whimsical, relaxed vase.

 I also made a huge pot of Bolognese Sauce. I haven't tasted it yet, but it smells DI-vine.

Pot set: Paula Deen. Somehow cooking is so much more fun with Aqua Blue Pots. It makes me smile. Also, it'd also make me smile if you, your family, and your uncle from Portland could come on over and help us eat the rest of it. Because we're going to have a boat load of leftovers.

And to finish the evening, we got two buck Chuck at Trader Joe's. Hubby and I love it...and it's literally two dollars. Can't go wrong, I tell you. 

Well, I'm off to finish mah sauce. You all have a good one!

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