Wednesday, August 24, 2011

5 Things: Happiness!

There are five things that I cannot experience without smiling.

1. Kristen Chenoweth. She's amazing - kind of like a petite version of Dolly Parton, but with a little more class. And her voice, world. HER VOICE. It moves me. This video will make your heart happy.

2. Oatmeal Creme Pies. Yes, really. I can remember almost every single time I've ever eaten one; probably because I had them so few times. They were pretty much outlawed in our house as the dessert equivalent of the devil.
(Not really. I have no idea why we never had them, but saying it was the equivalent of the devil is always a colorful way to make up for that fact.) Anyway, they will always take me back to my younger years.

3. The Pioneer Woman. She's quirky, she's honest, and she's lovely. And her Food Network show is starting this Saturday. My poor husband has no idea what he's in for. (The minute the finale of MasterChef aired, he said, "Man, I'm so glad this is going to be over. Now I don't have to stay up watching it." He stays up because I do. Isn't that cute?)

4. Free Martha Stewart Magazines. I have no idea how this happened, but there was a free copy of the current issue sitting on the counter at our apartment's laundry room (it was sitting in the free magazine stack).  And I freaked because my subscription had just run out, and I hadn't even seen the most current one in stores yet. So I very happily brought it (and my clean laundry) back to the apartment. My husband laughed.

5. This fabric. It kills me. I need it. It's sweet and understated and detailed all at once. I have no idea what I would use it for, but I need it my life. I don't sew at all, but one day I will. And I shall make something smashing out of it.

Moda Bar Harbor Scattered Floral Ivory

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