Friday, September 9, 2011

Jacques Torres Chocolate Chip Cookies

Your search for the perfect chocolate chip cookie has ended, my dear readers. Jacque Torres has made sure of that.

These cookies are simply the best. There is no need for improvement to their deliciousness. They are crispy on the edges, chewy in the middle, and absolutely divine.

The trick? Two different kinds of flour and 24 hours in the Frigidaire (that's "fridge" for all you normal people.) But is it worth it? Take a good, long look at the pic above. Look at the texture, the melty chocolate chips, the just-golden exterior. World, you have arrived at the perfect cookie.

Here's the recipe.

I deviated from the recipe in three major ways: first, I bought high-quality chocolate chips, not chocolate disks. Secondly, I didn't add any sea salt on top. Because frankly, by the time they came out of the oven, the only thing I could think about was getting them in my tummy as quickly as possible. I didn't miss the salt. I suppose that makes me some sort of cookie barbarian, but I'm just bein' real here, peeps.

Thirdly, I made normal-people-sized cookies instead of the five-inchers recommended in the recipe. Because my obsession with these bad boys needed some sort of limit. And this way, I could have four normal size cookies instead of a massive one. And that just made sense to my head.

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