Sunday, September 11, 2011

Of Pain

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She lied to me about the scars on her wrists.

She said they were from nurse training; something about carrying a board. But people don’t carry things on their wrists. They use their hands - she should have had scars on her palms. She didn’t.

She had tried only once; all the scars were the same color and height. She had cut herself at least three or four times on each wrist – not just once or twice self-deprecatingly. She had been serious when she tried.


I was sitting in science class on a Tuesday morning. Right next door, a student was using the white phone on the secretary’s desk. She was talking quickly, frantically and then she stopped.

“Her phone went dead” she shrieked. “Oh my God, She – she was screaming. ‘The tower is falling!’ and her phone went dead.”  


One day when I was seven or eight, a family friend and his son came over for dinner and I asked where the mommy was. My father quickly and quietly motioned for me to hush.  When I was older, my mom told me that Mrs. Gordon was a cocaine addict and would disappear from home. My family would sometimes watch her son while her husband went to look for her on the streets.


How far you fell, Adam.

"When will all things be restored?" Even the hope of an answer is grace.  And there is an Answerer . . .  

So with the stars in our eyes, His breath in our lungs, and the earth in our veins,
we cry Abba,

 And we shall live to see these days restored. 

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