Friday, October 7, 2011

Underestimate Not the Power of Target

I went to Target today. I think we can all safely assume where this post is going.

You'll notice these are fall clothes. It hasn't gotten below 85. Yet I bought . . . fall . . . clothes. Because they spoke to me and my autumn-deprived soul.

I got bit by the I-Must-Have-New-Clothes Bug (aka aquireus stuffus) this week. Never heard of it? Read on. It plagues me. Fortunately for our budget, I only get it every few months. But man, when it strikes, it strikes hard. Mostly because the majority of my vestments are half a continent away in storage and I miss them.

All that to say: I went to Target looking for some light shirts. I left with a long sleeve blouse, a cardigan, and a scarf. And a recycled glass soap bottle. Target'll do that to you.

This cardigan is, in a word, splendid. It's a burnt orange color - just a touch deeper than the pic shows above - and I adore it. And with the lightly frilled blue jean shirt underneath, it just pops.

Don't even get me started on this scarf. It has a gorgeous flower print that says Anthropology to me. And I adore how the navy print goes with the orange. (Also, if they had had these in my size, I would have bought those, too. Best autumn outfit ever.)

Please, Texas. Please, oh please, oh please, get down to a temp where I can wear these.

In the meantime, I'll be content to use this. I was reading somewhere that anything people use frequently (towels, soap, sheets, etc) should be high-quality. I like that. If I'm going to be using something several times a day, it may as well look/feel nice. It was that philosophy that finally justified this purchase in my mind.

Please excuse the tissue box. It likes to photobomb. 
Confession: you need to know how excited I was to finally find this soap dispenser. I'm picky about what I like, so when I finally find something I like, I love it. Even, um, if it's something small like a soap dispenser. I am indiscriminate when it comes to picky-ness.Yes, you may quote me.

See, I had seen this soap dispenser several months ago in a Target in California. I didn't end up buying it, but later unsuccessfully tried to find it at a Target in Virginia. (I was visiting family. Not Target-stalking.) Then I finally found it here in Texas. So, after six months of keeping an eye out for it, I have it. 

It's green-tinted glass, classy, and gorgeous. Lurv. 

The moral of this story? Underestimate not the power of Target, darlings. 

And with that word of wisdom, I leave you to your Friday. Have a wonderful weekend, all! 

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