Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Eating Healthily - Some Sneaky Things I Do . . . Occasionally.

Confession: I eat Sprite for breakfast sometimes. I eat Oreos for dinner, too. Oh, and I ate a Cinnabon cinnamon roll for lunch the other day. Yum.

Cinnabon Clone

Occasionally, I try to reform myself. After all; Andrea cannot live on sugar alone. Here are some tips I've found that help. One of them includes a form of put off bribery. I can't help it. I'm sorry.

1. Dessert - Occasionally Ryan and I have dessert every night. Because sometimes Oreos calls to my soul and I can't resist. I've noticed what helps me limit my desert-ing is having one really awesome dessert that I want to eat at the end of the week.

Case in point: I'll be making homemade marshmallows this week.. They speak to me in a way that Oreos don't. Thus, when the Oreos come calling on Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday, I can be like, "NOT TODAY, OREOS." (I don't say that out loud, btw. Because I'm in favor of my friends and family remaining under the assumption that I am in fact normal.) And so I save my eating of desserts for something I really love, as opposed to a few things I only kind of enjoy - like Oreos. (Sorry, little guys.)

2. Breakfast - I don't always eat well for breakfast. But when I do, it's because I've planned ahead a bit. (Ten points if you can quote that commercial . . .) I know that I don't eat enough protein or vegetables, so I do my best to cram them in at breakfast. So I eat Greek yogurt with dried fruit/nuts and honey, and some Green Machine smoothie. BAM. Protein/veggie problem solved.

If you eat whatever "problem food group" you have (please tell me I'm not the only one with these) at breakfast, it's easier to get it in your diet.

At least that's what I've found.

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